
Inter IIT Tech Meet 12.0

Date : 19 Decemeber, 2023 to 22 December,2023
Venue : Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
In the Devrev AI Agent 007 challenge, our team tackled the task of designing a language model capable of generating responses to natural language queries. This involved creating a toolkit to compose answers from subsets of tools and their arguments, showcasing our team's proficiency in AI modeling. Additionally, in the Adobe Behavioral Simulation challenge, our team demonstrated prowess in predicting user engagement based on tweet likes. Furthermore, they excelled in generating tweet text from tweet metadata, displaying versatility in content simulation tasks.Our team from IIT Indore showcased exceptional talent, securing a Silver Medal in Devrev's AI Agent 007 High Prep Problem Statement and a Bronze Medal in the Adobe Behavioral Simulation Mid Prep Problem Statement.

Few Important Moments of The Event